
I'm kind of a big deal

Ok, so I'm not really a big deal or anything, I know, but it is really weird at work now because I actually am doing real work. People depend on me for things. A fraction, albeit a very small one, of the future of the company is in my hands. Today, Ken, one of the other engineers, said, "Alright, well I'm not going to draw up the design for this [photomultiplier tube] and order the parts until I get the OK from you." That is very strange to me. I guess it is just a big jump from school to the real world, and I'm just now getting a taste of it. With other jobs that I've had (teaching tennis lessons, tutoring, waiting tables), I've been providing a valuable service for people, but the stakes were just a lot lower. For those of you that have had actual corporate jobs, maybe you know what I mean. Anyway, I just thought I'd share that. You may now return to your normal daily activities.


Blogger Jill said...

I had a brief taste of that when I worked at the law firm, but my boss was a good ol' boy so there was nothing I could do that he couldn't fix by buying the County Judge a beer. Then I had a job doing people's taxes and it was, like, not that big of a deal.

9:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excuse me, but the stakes are very high at my job; buying lotion can be a life or death situation...

11:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, could you do the work you're doing now for the rest of your working career? If not, what would you rather do?

7:24 PM  
Blogger Abe said...

I think I probably could. I couldn't do it in Sweetwater, though. Also, I'd rather be in academia than in corporate America (at least that is what I think right now....we'll see).

4:14 PM  

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