
Birthday musings

Well, another birthday has come and gone. Twenty-two years on the Gregorian calendar have now passed since I came out of my mother's womb, and when you think about it that way, it sort of takes the excitement out of the whole birthday experience. Usually, there is a giant birthday extravaganza for the Labor Day birthdays, but since Kyler isn't here, there was a football game this weekend, and Kim and I had meetings and stuff for church on Sunday, we didn't end up doing the whole 50th St. Caboose mess or anything like that, which is OK with me (not that those parties aren't fun, but sometimes it is nice to relax a little). However, Jill still came in town (we have the same birthday), so it still felt somewhat normal. My parents were in town for the game, church, and birthday lunch, and I ate so much dessert on Sunday that I felt a little sick when I was going to bed. Thanks to all of you who wished me a happy birthday in one way or another. My favorite thing about birthdays is it reminds you that people care about you. And the presents.

In other news, apparently God didn't want me to live to see my 22nd birthday, because he tried to drown me this weekend. It rained non-stop for over 48 hours this weekend, I think. Fortunately it let up for most of the football game, but the rest of the weekend was constant rain. There were giant lakes in many of the streets thanks to Lubbock's lack of a drainage system (seriously, there aren't gutters here).


Blogger Jill said...

It was kind of an anticlimactic weekend, but i enjoyed it very much all the same. I'm glad we could celebrate together! Also, in case i never told you, thank you for being part of a Sunday morning band that is not a total whipping...

8:57 PM  
Blogger Jennifer R. said...

There are too gutters.

They just fill up real fast...

11:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

do you like dave matthews?

and if you do, can you give me a top 10 or something? i am newly becoming rather obsessed and i want to get some of the best first...

6:02 PM  
Blogger Abe said...

my favorite album is "Under the Table and Dreaming". "Ants Marching", "What Would You Say?", "The Best of What's Around", and most of the rest of the album are all good. "Crash" is a good album -- my favorites on that one are "So Much to Say" and "Two Step". Anyway, I also really like basically the whole "Busted Stuff" album. I'm definitely not a Dave aficionado though, so you would be better off asking someone who smokes a lot more pot and likes music with unintelligible, drug-induced lyrics.

4:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmm, well, i'll have to look around the alleys for one of those, but thanks for the info!! i'll probably just randomly buy songs til i find ones that i like :)

10:04 PM  

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