
My experiences as a most intelligent donkey...

Ok, so the title is a bad pun, which you should get after reading this post. Also, I've already told this story several times, so I apologize if you've already heard this.

I swear I'm going to get beat up one of these days. Last Friday, I went up to the rec center to work out and/or play basketball or volleyball. Since no one was on the volleyball court, I decided to go get in on some pickup basketball. The team I got on was really small, so I didn't think we were going to last too long. It turns out that we did, though. Everyone on our team was playing really clean, and everyone was shooting really well, too. I'm a pretty streaky player, and this ranked pretty high on my scale of basketball performance, so I was having fun. After we won about 5 games in a row, the courts started crowding up a little bit. More people starting showing up, and our sixth opponents looked rather menacing. They were all a lot taller than we were (the guy guarding me was probably 6'3" or so), so I mentioned to one of our teammates that our reign of terror was probably coming to an end. But we killed them. We were playing by ones and twos to fifteen (three-pointers counted for 2 points), and we were up 12-3 at one point. I think they made a little run back to 12-6, and the guy who was guarding me went into "too serious and angry for rec center pickup basketball" mode. He started yelling at his team not to let us shoot any more twos, since I think 8 of our 12 points were from two-pointers. He also started yelling that if we were shooting a two, to foul us, he didn't care, but just don't let us shoot any more twos. About 4 seconds later, he lost me and I drifted to the top of the key, got the ball, and buried another two-pointer. As I was jogging back down the court, I patted him on the arm and said something like, "Hey, if I'm going to shoot a two, you might want to consider fouling me." He was not pleased. Curse words flew. I tried to apologize and calm him down, but I'm not sure if it worked.

I quit playing after that game, because I didn't think it could possibly get better from there.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, one of these days you're going to get beat up, either at the rec or a football game.

9:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe I'll be working the ER that day. don't worry, I can bring you back to life.

1:11 AM  
Blogger Jill said...

i don't understand basketball.

9:25 AM  

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