
Are you nearsighted or farsighted?

Today I saw the Ben Franklin impersonator from "The Office" (the one with the stripper) walking on campus. I swear.



Yesterday, I was riding a bus, and I saw a skateboarder ride out into the street in front of us, but in the opposite lane. He wasn't looking where he was going at all, and when he turned and saw us, he tried to stop, but he flailed his arms and toppled over backwards, and his skateboard went flying. It was hilarious.

And seriously, enough with the snow. We have to stand and fight. Let's all go buy nonbiodegradable goods right now to speed up global warming.


New Car -- Final Chapter (I hope...)

Hey everyone, I just thought I'd give you the final word on my new car (hopefully). Kam (the salesman) had the car delivered to my parents house in Arlington, and my friend Dallas gave me a ride to go get it last week. Anyway, it looks great and drives even better. Here are some pictures from the dealership (I haven't taken any yet). And yes, that is a "moonroof" you see...

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